Supporters and Partners

The following agencies and groups are working in partnership with the CKISS to achieve more effective management of invasive species in the CKISS region:

Adam Robertson Elementary
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship Society
Atco Wood Products
BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
BC Gaming
BC Hydro
BC Ministry of Environment
BC Ministry of Forests
BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship
BC Parks
BC Timber Sales
BC Wildlife Federation
Boundary Invasive Species Society
Capital Regional District
Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Invasiva Plant Committee
Cariboo Regional District
Castlegar Butterfly Rangers
Castlegar Farmer’s Market
Central Kootenay Food Council
City of Castlegar
City of Nelson
City of Rossland
City of Trail
Coastal Invasive Species Committee
Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network
Columbia Basin Trust
Columbia Mountains Institute for Ecology (CMIE)
Columbia Power Corporation
Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society
Columbia Shuswap Regional District
Creston Farmer’s Market
Creston Rod and Gun Club
Creston Valley Agricultural Advisory Commission
Creston Valley Beef Growers Associaton
Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area
Custom Fit Employment Services
East Kootenay Invasive Species Council
Eastshore Freshwater Habitat Society
Elk Root Conservation Farm
Employment and Social Development Canada
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program
FortisBC Electric and Gas Right-of-Ways
FortisBC Energy
Fraser Valley Invasive Species Society
Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society
Fruitvale Farmer’s Market
Georama Growers
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
Harkness Aquatics and Environmental
Heritage Nursery
Idaho State Department of Agriculture
Integrated Vegetation Management Association of BC (IVMA)
Interfor Corporation
Invasive Species Council of BC
J.L. Crowe High School
J.V Humphries Elementary School
Kalesnikoff Lumber Co.
Kaslo Farmer’s Market
Keefer Ecological Services Ltd.
Kinseed Ecologies
Kokanee Creek Nature Centre
Kootenay Boundry Farm Advisors
Kootenay Conservation Program
Kootenay Gallery of Art
Kootenay Ground Mainenance
Kootenay Lake Partnership
Kootenay Mountaineering Club
Kootenay Native Plant Society
Kootenay Weed Control
Ktunaxa Nation Council and Nupqu Resources Ltd.
Langley Environmental Partners Society
Lillooet Regional Invasive Species Society
Living Lakes Canada
Lower Kootenay Band/Yagan Nukiy
Lucerne Elementary School
Masse Environmental
Meadow Creek School,
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Morrow BioScience Ltd.
Nakusp and Area Community Forest
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Nature Conservancy Canada
Nelson Cycling Club
Nelson Farmers Market
Nelson Run Club
New Denver Dragon Boat Team
New Denver Farmer’s Market
New Denver Marina
Northwest Invasive Plant Council
Okanagan and Similkameen Invasive Species Society
Okanagan Basin Water Board
Okanagan Nation Alliance
Parks Canada
Peace River Regional District
RAP Contracting (Kokanne Cr.)
RDCK Firesmart Ambassadors
RDCK Kootenay Local Fund
RDCK ReDi grant
RDKB ReDi grant
Redfish Elementary School
Regional District of Central Kootenay
Regional District of Kootenay Boundary
Robson Scouts and Ventures
Rossland Museum and Discovery Centre
Rossland Summit School
Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society
Sea to Sky Invasive Species Council
Selkirk College
Silverwing Ecological Consulting
Slocan Lake Stewardship Society
Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS)
Teck Resources Ltd.
The Land Conservancy
The Nature Trust of BC
Thompson Rivers University
Thompson-Nicola Invasive Plant Management Council
Town of Creston
Trail Wildlife Association
Trail’s IncrEDIBLE Farmer’s Market
Twin Rivers School
U.S Fish and Wildlife Service
Uinvasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver
Valhalla Foundation for Ecology
Village of Kaslo
Village of Nakusp
Village of New Denver
Village of Salmo
Village of Silverton
Village of Slocan
Village of Warfield
Warfield Food Advisory Committee
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Washington Invasive Species Council
Webster School
West Kootenay ATV Club
West Kootenay Beekeepers Association
West Kootenay Fly Fishing Club
Wynndel Irrigation District
Yellowhead Road and Bridge