Invasive Species Management: Planning, Inventory, Control & Education
The Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society (CKISS) has a mission “To protect ecosystems and communities by preventing and reducing the harmful impacts of invasive species”.
CKISS collaborates with all stakeholders in the region, to prevent and manage invasive species in the Regional District of Central Kootenay and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Areas A and B.
CKISS is not only a non-profit coordinating body but aims to provide a regional source of invasive species expertise for both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We offer a variety of invasive species management services throughout our region.
What do we offer?
- Development of strategic planning and guidance documents
- Complete treatment recommendations using an integrated pest management approach
- Collaborative approach with multijurisdictional projects
- An ecological approach to invasive species management
Inventory & Monitoring
- Invasive plant inventory
- Presence/absence monitoring
- Up to date data collection and mapping
CKISS staff conducting an invasive plant survey in the Village of Warfield.
- Treatment, monitoring, follow up recommendations
- Progressive, science-based methodology following industry best practices and integrated management planning
- Experience working in sensitive habitats

- Invasive plant identification and management workshops
- Public outreach and media support, interpretive signage, educational resources
- Education and awareness campaigns, including Don’t Let it Loose, PlantWise, Clean, Drain, Dry and PlayCleanGo

For a project estimate contact:
Erin Bates
1-844-352-1160 ext. 205