EcoGarden Project

Planting NOW for the future!

Want to know which plants to use in your garden to help nature? Want to attract pollinators and make a difference? Follow the EcoGarden plant list. A list of plants that are suited for the Central Kootenay garden, the wildlife, and that address regional climate change, water, and fire issues.

Let’s grow something good. The EcoGarden vision is that Kootenay gardens are ecologically informed and at least 20% native plants.

Plant the EcoGarden Way

EcoGarden plants are native and non-invasive cultivated plants that thrive in the Central Kootenay region. They were chosen by local experts to meet the needs of our future ecosystems and the needs of declining wildlife. Plants that are ClimateSmart, WaterSmart, FireSmart, non-invasive, and attract birds and pollinators are highlighted on the EcoGarden Plant list. It is important to recognize that plants that attract birds such as fruit bearing plants, also attract bears and deer to their detriment. Take note of WildSafe concerns which are explained in the detailed plant list. All these plants are available from local sources and chosen by local experts to ensure success by gardeners and landscapers alike.

Protect the Kootenays

We know that the environment is under increasing pressure from human activity. Climate change, habitat destruction and invasive species work together to degrade and stress our ecosystems. The consequence is reduced biodiversity and a collapse of ecosystem function. Ecosystem services such as clean water and air, benefits to mental health, food security, natural resources and recreational opportunities are at risk. CKISS is working to address these issues with the EcoGarden project.

The ornamental plant trade is the largest pathway for the introduction of invasive plants. Who knew that our gardens could be the source of one of the top threats to biodiversity globally- invasive species? One of the great concerns with climate change is that it will favour the growth of invasive species over that of our native species, that need time to adapt to new conditions. Will the ecosystems of the future be monocultures of invasive plants? How do we help our ecosystems adapt? The answer is simple. Plant native species!

The EcoGarden project aims to make this a simple task for gardeners by giving them the tools they need to protect the Kootenays in their own backyard.

Collaborators and Native Plant Demonstration Gardens

The EcoGarden project is a collaboration of local experts that have lent their passion and expertise to the project. We thank these partners for their dedication in making the world a better place one plant at a time.

Bren Beckwith (KinSeed Ecologies), Valerie Huff (Kootenay Native Plant Society), Kate Mizenka (Elk Root Conservation Farm Society), WildSafe BC, Genevieve Bergeron (RDCK WaterSmart Ambassador), and CKISS.

Visit one of the inspiring native, WaterWise and pollinator gardens in the region.

Plant Lists

Native Plant List Table

Please note that native plants are special additions to a garden, but plants and seeds that are native to our region are often limited in quantity and availability. Incorporating native plants into your garden is a labour of love and requires patience. Some plants may be young and will need nurturing to get established; some will only be available as seeds. Ecogarden is merely a seedling project, just getting started. Let’s, together, grow a Kootenay community that learns about, supports, and uses native plants over time.

  • EcoGarden Native Plant List 2021

    wdt_IDTypeScientific nameCommon nameSupplier
    TypeScientific nameCommon nameSupplier

Cultivated Plant List Table

    EcoGarden Cultivated Plant List 2021

    wdt_IDTypeScientific nameCommon nameSupplier
    TypeScientific nameCommon nameSupplier

DO NOT Plant List Table

Beware of wildflower mixes and birdseed mixes as they usually contain invasive species or do not list the species. Mix your own seed mixes from known seeds. Check the Grow Me Instead guide for alternatives to some invasive species.

    EcoGarden Do NOT plant list

    wdt_IDScientific NameCommon NameGrow Me InsteadWhat should you do?
    Scientific NameCommon NameGrow Me InsteadWhat should you do?

Download: Detailed Plant Lists – plant characteristics & ecological values

Want to know more before choosing plants for your garden?

  • Perennial or annual
  • Size – height & spread
  • Bloom colour & time
  • Full sun, partial sun or shade
  • Does it attract pollinators or birds?
  • Human uses: edible, medicinal and cultural value
  • Ecology, water needs, drainage, soil type
  • Growing and maintenance tips

To find the answers to these questions download the EcoGarden Plant List 2021

Please note the excel document has tabs on the bottom with the following information: Native Plant List, Cultivar Plant List, DO NOT Plant List, Guide, Suppliers and References.


If you are a supplier of any of the species on the EcoGarden plant list and would like to be included, please contact

Native Plants:

These suppliers sell locally sourced open pollinated native species.

Native and cultivated plants:

Be aware that these nurseries might also sell plants on the “Do Not Plant” list or Nativars. Nativars are cultivated “native” plants that are not open pollinated and therefore lack the genetic diversity of local populations. This poses a genetic risk to local native ecosystems.

Cultivated plants:

This is not an exhaustive list please check your local garden centre: Be aware that these nurseries might also sell plants on the “Do Not Plant” list or Nativars. Nativars are cultivated “native” plants that are not open pollinated and therefore lack the genetic diversity of local populations. This poses a genetic risk to local native ecosystems.