What Should You Do With Your Live Tree or Wreath After the Holidays are Over?

Live decorations, like trees and wreaths, can introduce invasive species to a new area because they may have invasive species hiding in their branches, leaves, and needles. There is also a chance that you or a craftsperson used invasive plant materials in wreaths or flower arrangements. To reduce the chance of introducing invasive plants into your community, follow these disposal tips at the end of the holiday season:
  • Look into local tree recycling programs. Some municipalities may offer curbside pick-up or have a designated drop-off zone for disposal.
  • Take your tree and wreath parts to the local landfill or transfer station. Ensure that your tree or wreath is free of manmade decorations and that it’s enclosed in a bag, tarp, or truck canopy to guarantee that no plant material can escape en route.
  • NEVER place non-local materials in your backyard! Invasive bugs, seeds, and tree diseases could emerge and infest your property.
  • NEVER dump any unwanted plant materials, even native locally sourced ones, along roadsides, ditches, parks, or any natural area.