We are hosting a Communities Pulling Together (CPT) Event just outside Nelson in Blewett on July 3. A CPT is when a group of volunteers mechanically remove an invasive plant infestation in their community. Volunteers receive hands-on learning experiences on the impacts invasive plants can have on ecosystems and economies. In addition, they learn about plant ecology, proper removal and disposal techniques. The targeted species for this event is common tansy – this invasive plant reduces plant diversity in ecosystems that it invades, which impacts other types of biodiversity.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday July 3, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: 4100 block Kays Road. The identifying feature is the red barns that are in the middle of the section. Parking is possible in the driveway leading to the barns.
What to Bring: CKISS can provide gloves and tool BUT of you happen to own a garden fork please bring it along. It works like a charm to dig out tansy!
No pre-registration is required – just show up!