Request for Qualifications – Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Services

CKISS is looking to obtain Requests for Qualifications for Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Services in the Central Kootenay Region.

Overview of Work/Service Required
Work consists of aquatic invasive species monitoring within the Regional District of Central Kootenay and Areas A & B of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary. The general nature of the Work to be carried out consists of operational services related to the monitoring of designated aquatic invasive species that may be present in regional waterbodies. Locations include lakes and rivers within the aforementioned Regional Districts. The goal of this work is to proactively monitor for zebra and quagga mussels in an effort to prevent their establishment.

Read the full RFQ here: Aquatics Contractor RFQ Package

Submissions and Timeline
Please email all submissions to Khaylish Fraser, Aquatics Program Coordinator at

This is an open-ended RFQ process, but in order to be considered for contract(s) for the 2025 field season, respondents should submit their completed packages no later than March 31, 2025.

Please note that this opportunity is also posted as the Aquatics Invasive Species Technician