Laurie Carr, M.Sc. Executive Director, 1-844-352-1160 ext 210

  • Primary communications and partnership building
  • Strategic long-term program planning and development
  • Overall program coordination and management
  • Oversees Outreach program
  • Media


Erin Bates, P. Ag. Managing Director, 1-844-352-1160 ext 205

  • Financial resource development and management
  • Human resource management
  • Administration
  • Oversees Field operations and Aquatics programs



Ellen Skagerberg, Program Assistant, 1-844-352-1160 ext 211

  • Public inquires
  • Administration
  • Web content editing
  • Human resource support
  • Financial resource support
  • Event coordination


Khaylish Fraser, Aquatics Program Coordinator, 1-844-352-1160 ext 207

  • Clean, Drain, Dry & Don’t Let it Loose programs
  • Aquatic invasive species education, outreach and training
  • Zebra and Quagga mussel monitoring program
  • Bullfrog surveillance and eradication program
  • Columbia Basin aquatic invasive species program



Laurie Frankcom, Education Program Coordinator, 1-844-352-1160 ext 208

  • Don’t Let it Loose
  • PlayCleanGo and PlantWise programs
  • Community weed pull and restoration events
  • School and youth programs
  • General education and awareness
  • Media, communications and marketing
  • Summer student supervisor


Kalenna Olynyk, P. Ag. Field Program Manager, 1-844-352-1160 ext 206

  • Operational development and planning
  • Inventory, mapping development and coordination
  • Coordination of invasive species treatments
  • Field staff supervisor
  • General education and awareness



Nerissa Abbott, Assistant Field Program Manager, 1-844-352-1160 ext 209

  • Planning and coordination of invasive plant management
  • Database management and spatial analysis
  • Invasive plant inventories
  • Treatment monitoring




Molly Tilden, Field Crew Supervisor, 1-844-352-1160 ext 212

  • Invasive plant surveys and inventories
  • Treatment monitoring
  • Data management
  • Spatial analysis and mapping