Invasive Species Priority Lists

Given limited resources for invasive plant management, CKISS manages invasive species using a prioritized approach. The management strategy for a specific species is based on a number of factors including the phase of invasion and the potential impacts of the species. To learn more about how CKISS manages invasive species, read our Operation Framework and the Canadian Columbia Basin Regional Framework for an Aquatic Invasive Species Program.

Invasive Plants

CKISS Plant Priority List 2024

wdt_IDScientific NameCommon NameCKISS RegionCreston IPMAKaslo IPMALower Arrow IPMANakusp IPMANelson IPMASlocan IPMAProvincial PriorityBC Weed Control Act Listing

CKISS has also created an iNaturalist Guide to Invasive Plants of the Central Kootenay which includes a photo of each species on our priority list.

Read more about terrestrial and riparian invasive species

  • Priority Definitions and Management Approaches

Click here to learn what each priority means and its management approach.

Aquatic Invasive Species

    Aquatic invasive species are plants, animals and other organisms that have been introduced into an aquatic ecosystem (lake, river, wetland or ocean) where they do not naturally occur. Because they are generally lacking the natural pathogens or predators that keep them under control in their native habitats, they can spread rapidly and extensively through waterways.

CKISS Aquatic Invasive Species Priority List Apr2024

wdt_IDTypeCommon NameLatin NameCKISS RegionWaterbodyProvincial PriorityRegulated in B.C.
TypeCommon NameLatin NameCKISS RegionWaterbodyProvincial PriorityRegulated in B.C.

CKISS has also created an iNaturalist Guide to Invasive Fauna of the Central Kootenay which includes photos of many aquatic invasive species.

Read more about aquatic invasive species