CKISS Webinars
- Seeding & Invasives
- Bullfrogs in B.C.
- Knotweed Management for Landowners
- Composting 101 in the Kootenays
- Grow me Instead – Planting Native Species
- Planting for Pollinators – Create a Beautiful Bee Friendly Garden
- Gardening in the Kootenays : Growing Cut Flowers
- Invasive Species for Real Estate Professionals in the Central Kootenays
- Room to Bloom A Spring Eco Action Webinar
- Broomcraft Mastery Webinar: Transforming Invasive Scotch Broom into Halloween Decor.
CKISS Plant ID Videos

Invasive Species Training Resources
- Province of BC : Introduction to Invasive Species Training
- Invasive Species Council of BC : Webinar Gallery
- Invasive Species Council of BC : eLearning Course Catalogue