Now’s your chance to show us your best photo of taking action on invasive plants or animals, or highlighting a key invasive species in your community, and win some great prizes, including a Go Pro camera!
Photos could show people participating in weed pulls, cleaning hiking boots, pets, bike tires or work equipment of burrs and seeds, or practicing to clean drain dry your boat. You could also profile key invasive species in your community, such as bullfrogs, Yellow flag iris, grey squirrels, Japanese knotweed..… you name it!
Send us your best shots – you don’t have to be a professional photographer to enter. We can all do our part, and make a difference right where we live.
Three Categories of Photos:
Note: Each category include a youth section for photographers aged 15 and under.
- Invasive Species in BC: Send us photos of the main culprits in your community: Bullfrogs? English ivy? Feral pigs? Knotweed? Also capture people taking action on invasive plants and animals: in your garden, community, with your pets and aquariums, local parks, range lands, etc. Be PlantWise! Don’t Let It Loose!
Yellow Flag Iris - Recreation and Invasive Species: Show us your best practices when hiking, camping, boating, fishing, horse-back-riding, mountain biking, ATV’ing: Clean Drain Dry! Play Clean Go!
- Making a Difference at Work: Dealing with invasive species on the job – in forestry, transportation, mining, parks, horticulture, etc. – wherever you work.
Upload your photos on our Instagram or Twitter pages HASHTAG #bcinvasivescontest by Sunday May 29, 2016 for your chance to win great prizes. Winners will be selected by a panel of judges by Friday June 3, 2016. You can upload and enter as many photos as you like.
The winning photos and names of photographers will be profiled as part of May’s Invasive Species Action Month on our website ( and on the Invasive Species Action Month website (
We look forward to your entries!
Photos should be:
- Visually related to the theme “Invasive Plants and Animals in British Columbia”
- Represent one or more of the photo contest categories described above
- Taken in British Columbia – tell us where the photo was taken and a bit about it.