April 22, 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! It all started in the US on April 22, 1970 as an idea for a nation to focus on the environment. Today 192 countries and 1 billion people partake in Earth Day to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
CKISS Earth Day Giveaway
To celebrate Earth Day we are running a contest on our Facebook page from April 22-30, 2020! We want to hear how you connect with nature? Are you a star gazer? Weed puller? Mountain climber? Forest bather?
How to Enter:
Step 1: Go to the CKISS Facebook page
Step 2: Find our Earth Day Giveaway Post (Hint: Scroll down to the first post with the below graphic on the @ckisskootenay page.)
Step 3 : Use the comment button to answer the question “How do you connect with nature?”. Only one entry per person please.
Step 4: Stay tuned to your Facebook Messenger inbox during the first week of May to find out if you’re the lucky winner. We will collect your mailing address and send the Prize Pack your way.
Earth Day Giveaway Terms and Conditions
The Prize
The lucky winner will receive a CKISS prize pack; which includes CKISS T-shirts, a boot brush, a CKISS tote bag, a Field Guide to Noxious Weeds and a nifty cookbook titled “They’re Cooked: Recipes to Combat Invasive Species.”