We challenge you to enter the “What’s in My Back Yard?” (WIMBY) Photo Contest.

Taking part is simple and you could win up to $350 for your family, youth group or class. The contest runs through May until the closing date May 31, 2020.

With your family, or as a youth group or class, you’re challenged to spot and photograph as many invasive species in your yard or local area as you can. What’s around your home that could become an invader? Perhaps you have an aquarium with aquatic plants, a goldfish, or potted plants that might be invasive. To help with ideas, visit beplantwise.ca to learn more about garden plants that are invasive and read about Don’t Let it Loose to find out which pets become invasive if released into the wild. Either post each of your photos in individual posts on social media using #BCinvasivescontest, or enter using the online form which follows below.

Enter as many photos as possible for the chance to win. The individual, family or group with the most photos will win $350 in Mountain Equipment Coop gift certificates and the runner-up group will win $200 in gift certificates.