🎄 Holiday Tips: Keep Your Christmas Tree Local and Invasive-Free! 🌲

Are you getting ready to deck the halls and find that perfect tree? ‘Tis the season for festive cheer, but let’s also spread awareness on keeping our holidays eco-friendly and invasive species-free! Here are some tips to ensure your Christmas tree doesn’t bring any unwanted guests to your neighbourhood or local forest.

  1. Go Local: The farther you transport a tree, the higher the risk of introducing new pests. If you’re tree hunting in the wild, aim for within 30 km of your home. Ensure you have the proper permits, like the Free Use Permit for a Christmas Tree in BC.

2. Buy Local, from a Reputable Vendor: Go find quality trees from local farms. It’s not just about the tree—many local vendors offer a festive atmosphere and family activities. If buying from a store, choose established vendors. Avoid “fly by night” sellers on roadsides. Ask where pre-cut trees came from; if more than 30 km away, consider other options.

3. Pick a Healthy Tree: A brown, needle-shedding tree is not just a fire hazard; it may harbor diseases. Choose a tree with perky, bright-green needles and springy, soft branches for a healthy and safe holiday centerpiece.

4. Bookmark Buy Local Burn Local: Click this link to learn more about the Buy Local Burn Local site for valuable information on stopping the spread of invasive species.  Educate yourself on simple actions to protect our forests and maintain the festive spirit responsibly.

Let’s make this holiday season not only joyful but also environmentally conscious! Share these tips and help others make a positive impact. Together, we can celebrate responsibly