Festive and Green: 12 Days of Eco-Friendly Decor Tips

Embrace the spirit of the season with CKISS as we present the ’12 Days of Green Decor – Eco-Friendly Tips.’ In the spirit of celebrating the holidays responsibly, our tips will guide you on crafting festive decor that not only adds warmth to your celebrations but also helps reduce the spread of invasive species. Join us on this eco-conscious journey to make your holiday season both merry and environmentally friendly.

Tip #1: Go Natural! Opt for wreaths made from native plants or artificial materials to prevent the unintentional spread of invasive species. Choose local greenery: Source your holiday greenery locally to support nearby businesses and reduce the risk of introducing invasive species from other regions.

Tip # 2: Be PlantWise! This holiday season, let’s make a conscious choice to be kind to our environment. Avoid using invasive plants like holly, ivy, and baby’s breath in your decorations. Instead, opt for responsibly harvested native alternatives that add a festive touch without causing harm. Choosing native plants not only supports local ecosystems but also reduces the risk of introducing invasive species. Let’s embrace the beauty of our surroundings and make eco-friendly choices that will last beyond the holiday season!  Share your favorite native plant decorations and tag #BePlantWise to inspire others to join the green movement. 

Tip # 3: Choose Wisely! If artificial decorations are more your style, make a green choice by opting for items made from eco-friendly materials like recycled paper or cardboard. Not only are these options sustainable, but they also add a unique touch to your holiday decor! Let’s embrace creativity while being mindful of our environmental impact. Share your favorite eco-friendly artificial decorations and inspire others to make sustainable choices this holiday season. Spread the joy of green living!

Tip # 4: Inspect Decorations! Before decking the halls, take a moment to inspect your store-bought decorations, especially those with live elements. Ensure they are free from invasive species to keep your holiday green and eco-friendly!  By being vigilant, you not only protect your space but also contribute to the prevention of invasive species spread. Share your inspection tips and join the #InvasiveFreeDecor movement!  Let’s celebrate a Green Holiday together!

Tip #5: Embrace Nature’s Gifts! Bring the beauty of the outdoors into your holiday decor by using natural materials like pinecones, acorns, and berries. These treasures can be gathered from your backyard or a nearby park, adding a touch of nature’s charm to your festive celebrations! Let’s create decorations that not only sparkle but also honor the environment. 

Tip #6: Know Your Greenery! Before you deck the halls, take a moment to educate yourself on local invasive plant species. Knowing what to look out for will help you avoid accidentally incorporating them into your holiday decor. Let’s celebrate responsibly and keep our festivities free from invasive species! Check out the invasive species profiles.

Tip #7: Support Native Wildlife! This holiday season, let your decorations be a haven for native wildlife. Choose ornaments that promote and support our feathered friends, like bird-friendly designs or those crafted from sustainable materials. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment.

Tip #8: Buy Local Burn Local! If you’re cozying up by the fireplace this holiday season, opt for locally sourced firewood. By doing so, you’re not only supporting local businesses but also reducing the risk of introducing invasive species from another region. Let’s keep the warmth in and the invasives out!

Tip # 9 : Responsible Disposal! As the holiday festivities wind down, be mindful of where you dispose of your holiday waste. Whether it’s trees, wreaths, or garlands, avoid dumping them in natural areas where they could unknowingly spread invasive species. Let’s ensure our celebrations leave no trace behind!

Tip #10: Pot it Up! For indoor elegance that keeps on giving, choose potted plants for your holiday decorations. Ensure they’re not invasive, allowing you to enjoy their beauty without the risk of spreading seeds outdoors. Let’s bring the green inside responsibly!

Tip #11: Ethical Gathering! For a truly green holiday, gather native plants ethically for your décor. Use clean footwear and tools to prevent the spread of invasive plants, know your plant ID, collect in small amounts, and leave no trace behind. Let’s make our celebrations a positive force for the environment!

Tip #12: Spread the Green Message! As we wrap up our eco-friendly journey, let’s spread the word about invasive species and the importance of using environmentally-friendly decorations! Encourage your friends and family to make responsible choices this holiday season, creating a collective impact for a greener future.