What to do if you come across a sick or deceased bat. It may have White Nose Syndrome and MUST be reported.
It is estimated that in the eastern states and provinces over six–million bats have been killed by, an invasive fungus called white-nose syndrome (WNS). The fungus invades bats that are hibernating, causing the bats to wake up early, which in turn depletes their fat reserves, creates dehydration and eventually causes death. Sadly the first case was detected … Read more
A New Tool in the Bullfrog Battle: Environmental DNA
Early Detection by eDNA Thanks to Research Coordinator Morgan Sternberg, CKISS is utilizing cutting-edge technology for early detection of American Bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) in the Creston area. Water samples are painstakingly gathered from water bodies considered to be at risk of Bullfrog invasion. The samples are then filtered and sent to a lab in Victoria for … Read more
Students from Rossland’s Seven Summits Centre for Learning are doing their part to increase ecosystem health in the Kootenays.
According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, invasive species are the second greatest threat to biodiversity after habitat loss. Invasive species are introduced plants, animals, and pathogens that reproduce at high rates and lack any natural predators or controls. As a result, invasive species can negatively impact ecosystems by out competing native … Read more
NEW Play Clean Go signs & Boot Brushes in B.C Parks.
Give invasive species the brush off! Leaves changing colour, crisp air, the harvest moon; these are signs that autumn has arrived. This time of year is an ideal time to go enjoy the great outdoors and go for a hike. Go outside and play, however be sure you are not bringing any unwanted invasive species with … Read more
Another Yellow Flag Iris Patch bites the dust!
It was a stunning day for volunteers from Selkirk College’s System Ecology class to come out to the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area on September the 9th to participate in a ‘Community Weed Pull’ of invasive Yellow Flag Iris. Prior to the weed pull students had the chance to meet Marc-Andre Beaucher, Head of Operations … Read more
Extra Extra read all about it! CKISS 2015 Annual Report is hot off the press.
We are thrilled to share with you our new and improved annual summary report. It is filled with fantastic photos, interesting facts and messages from both our Chair and Executive Director. What will you find in the report? Our vision statement How CKISS made a difference in 2015 Operations updates and stats Overview of education … Read more
BC Watercraft Inspection Stations: stopping the spread of invasive mussels!
Ten boats carrying live invasive mussels have been stopped at BC borders this summer. As of August 10th, stats are as follows: Watercraft inspected: 17,400 Boats with invasive mussels intercepted: 10! Decontamination orders issued: 75 Number of people reached with Clean, Drain, Dry message: 34,800 For more information, click here Golden is the hotspot! All 10 … Read more
Invasive Plants Increase Wildfire Risk
Did you know that invasive plants such as Scotch Broom and Cheatgrass can increase the risk of wildfires? How does this happen? Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) creates dense thickets of dry woody material that is extremely flammable. This escalates the intensity of wildfires, leading to increased damage and risk to nearby properties. Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) is highly … Read more